来源:云南花产联 日期: 2005-5-13

··展会地点:昆明国际会展中心(昆明市春城路289号) 随着“99中国昆明世界园艺博览会”、“昆明出口商品交易会”、“东盟市长论坛”、“中国国际旅游交易会”等具有重大影响力活动在昆明的成功举办及中国东盟自由贸易区的建立,云南已逐步成为世界瞩目的焦点,优越的区位优势和气候条件、丰富的生物资源和野生花卉资源、广阔的种植基地,为云南花卉产业的发展创造了有利条件。云南已成为世界花卉业发展最受关注的地区之一。荷兰、法国、美国、日本、韩国、以色列、新西兰、澳大利亚等国花卉企业纷纷抢摊云南这块风水宝地,正在这块富饶美丽的土地上和我们一起共创伟业。
1、花类:鲜切花、干花、插花 ;
2、植物类:盆景、观叶植物、植物造型 ;

Flowers Blooming in Yunnan
With a successful holding of “EXPO`99 Kunming, China”, “Kunming Export Commodities Fair”, “The Mayors’ Forum of ASEAN Countries”, “China International Travel Mart” and the establishment of CHINA-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, Yunnan has attracted great attention from other parts of the world for its ideal location, advantaged climatic condition, rich biological resources and cheap labour forces. All these advantaged conditions make Yunnan become one of the most potential places in the world for flower production and trade. Today, more and more foreign companies from the Netherlands, France, the U.S., Japan, South Korea, Israel, the New Zealand and Australia have forestalled their facilities in Yunnan, joining in the development process of Yunnan floriculture industry.
The Organizing Committee of KUNMING FLORA has made a formal announcement as follows:
We own:
I. The biggest production centres for cut flowers in China with a cultivation area of 15,000 hectares and an annual output of 3.3
billion stems of cut flowers.
II. Seven different climatic zones, from tropical to frigid, providing an ideal place for flower production all year around.
III. The richest biological resources of rare species and wild plants. Totally there are 16,000 plant species found in Yunnan province,
among which, more than 2,500 are ornamental plants and flowers, providing with a good gene base for development of new
varieties of plants and flowers.
IV. Unlimited business opportunities for development of floriculture industry with the implementation of West Development Strategy
in China, construction of eco-environment and the speed-up of urbanization process in china.
V. Strong support from various levels of government with the objective to build Yunnan as the biggest flower production and trade
centre in Asia. The special geography location provided Yunnan with another advantage for rapid flower industry development,
especially with the establishment of CHINA-ASEAN Free Trade Zone.
VI. Convenient air transportation with flights to most of the big cities in Asia and the under-constructed passage way to South Asia
and South-east Asia.
We are in demand of:
I. New varieties of flowers and plants, advanced technology, agriculture products, equipment and facilities for flower production and
post harvest treatment as well as horticulture related logistic and transport technology and facilities.
II. Capable flower enterprises and organizations to join R& D, production and management of Yunnan flower industry.
III. High-level experienced professional management and marketing personnel.
IV. Sales network and acting agencies.
Name : FLORA KUNMING International Flower Exhibition Kunming, China
Time: Every 2nd Thursday to Sunday in September
Place: Kunming International Conference and Exhibition Center
Exhibition Ranges :
1. Cut flowers, foliages, dry flowers, flower arrangement and flower art;
2. Bonsai, garden plants and plant arrangement;
3. Seeds, bulbs and young plant;
4. Substrates, chemicals and fertilizers;
5. Equipment and facilities for production, packaging, storage, preservation and transportation;
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